Backpack Food Ministry

Participation in the Backpack Food Ministry brings joy to us all. Twice a month food is chosen, gathered, bought, packed, delivered and distributed to school children to supplement their week-end meals

Clothes Closet

Each Monday, a different group of clients come there to receive food. We have partnered with the Christian Church so that, once the clients have their food, they come down one block to our church and look for clothing and, sometimes, household items such as linens.

Stamp Ministry

Support those in need with this creative and easy ministry of brining cancelled stamps to service on Sunday. The stamps may be cut from the envelope and placed into the collection basket in the narthex.

Faith Community Nursing

The Parish Nurse Program is intended to encourage physical and spiritual wellness by providing health-related information and developing and leading programs for the members of the congregation. The Parish Nurse is a Registered Nurse (R.N.) who serves as a liaison between the members of the congregation, the community, and health professionals.

Prayer Cloth Ministry

A guild of weavers work hard in crafting prayer cloths to be blessed and distributed for use. The prayer clothes represent an outward and visible sign – something tangible – for an inward and spiritual grace; the gift of prayer.

Our Labyrinth

A labyrinth is a tool for prayer, a walking meditation. It is an ancient design, which has been found in all religious traditions in various forms, its history spans the globe as well as thousands of years.

A labyrinth is a pattern, usually a large circle, with a single winding path that you walk to the center and then walk the same path back out. There is no right or wrong way to walk the labyrinth. Unlike a maze, it offers no tricks, puzzles or dead ends. This sacred path a sacred circle simply leads to a deeper connection to God, others, and ourselves.

Walking the labyrinth may take anywhere from a few minutes or more than an hour, depending on your pace. Feel free to walk at your own speed. If others are walking the labyrinth at the same time, you may pass them or let them pass you.